Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Sometimes you've just got to have a spur to create. It's NOT, as contemporary culture would have you think, a luxury or an indulgence. Creativity is what makes us human. We create. We adapt. We evolve. We flourish.

Here are some ideas and links for getting your juices flowing: -- National Novel Writing Month comes around each November. I'm in love with it. Take a 30-day deadline, write like mad each day for at least 1,667 words, and, voila, at the end of the day on November 30, you have a 50,000 word novel. I've done it four and a half times. I know it's possible. (Now, if I could only focus on the re-writes…) -- Sabrina Ward Harrison is my new role model. Messy, creative, fearless AND fearful at the same time, she published her journals about creating and re-creating herself. She writes and creates beautiful and complex art. -- Check out the writing prompts section. Create and post.
-- The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron is a classic. Do the book in order, pick and choose what you like, come back again and again. Yes, it's time consuming, but isn't it time you invested in yourself?

I'll add more links as I find them.

Happy creating!

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